This week in Science what I did was write in post-its about what we know of Ecosystem, Plant cell, Carbon cycle, Food chain, etc. Then, we went out to Seward Park and took pictures that are important to the ecosystem. We digged and looked for some insects for our tank. I picked some leaves too. I did the research questions. Then, I search some more things about the cellar spider. One thing Achantae did is take pictures. One thing Angel did is dig up bugs.
This week what I learned in science was what a Ecosystem is again. How a picture of an ecosystem looks like. What an ecosystem does or do. From drawing an illustration to see what I would need to make my spider feel like it's natural habitat. I found out what is important to the community park. what I think will be needed or important for my spider's tank. Another name for a cellar spider is "Daddy long legs". Cellar spiders live in the basements.
The spider has 6-8 eyes and 8 eyes. Cellar spider comes from the family Pholcidae. The Pholcidae family is the most venom spiders in the world.